Witness Lee on the local church
Witness Lee on the local church

Nature of a local church

Ground of a local church

Condition of a local church

Fellowship of the local churches


Introduction: Many people who have come into contact with the teachings of Witness Lee have also come into contact with with the term “local church.” This term has been widely referred to in the Christian community, but in many cases without a clear understanding of its biblical definition and without a proper appreciation of its crucial place in the teachings of the New Testament. It was because of such misunderstanding that Witness Lee made it a priority of his ministry to help Christians know how and why the Bible presents the concept of “the local church.” The purpose of this Website is to present in Witness Lee’s own words, the New Testament teaching concerning the local church. In chapter seven of his book Elders’ Training Book 10, The Eldership and the God-ordained Way (2), excerpted below, Witness Lee presents a thorough discussion of this matter, expounding the Bible’s teachings concerning the nature, ground, and condition of a local church, the fellowship of the local churches, and the discerning of the one Body of Christ.